Thursday, September 13, 2012

Adrien, film fighter I hear you say. But the thing is that Away2Xplore Visas and work in the U.S. t

Go to America (2) «Things Dellie's
It is more than a month ago I wrote about how excited film fighter he was to hear that he was adopted. The first fee is paid, his passport was sent overnight (a buck) and we wait. His friend who was there last year, we have concluded that they would fly on February 22. But there are other departure dates. And they are still here in the land of our rainbow.
On 18-02-2008 they (Away2Explore) let him know that he has the money to pay for his appointment at the embassy, ​​as well as money for the extra insurance we took out of it. It is done, and night slips are sent by mail to them. (Again a few bucks.)
And here we sit still and wait. Son called Tuesday to hear when his appointment. There are some guys welcome, so there will be sinmaak as they can all ride together. Especially if you think gasoline prices ...
Anyway, they said that they will let him know when they have time. As I understand, there are only a limited amount available per day .... yes well, and while we're waiting ....
It is a very nice list of "the book" Son got. What he should take it further out to buy a first aid bag with all the things he can take (drugs of any kind shall be sealed), basic clothes that he was in the beginning will need, clothes film fighter what others he prefer to buy, and of course bedding. We decided that he should buy it further out, because they have weight restrictions on his luggage. film fighter And he does not like sleeping. He will be permitted to buy linen, sheets and pillows.
It's just really going out in his luggage when we send it all together.
And then the following essential products, refrigerator and microwave. That they can take over from someone who was there last year, but do not go back. For half price. And then I imagine, probably TV and Playstation! Hehe, boys will be boys!
So at this point we wait for news. Once confirmed his appointment at the embassy, ​​I would like to afkophoender running around to get everything done. But I do not care. As long as the mother heart goodbye film fighter my part may postpone the last day interval in fog ... It's bad enough film fighter to have to sit here and wait!
principals, said
Adrien, film fighter I hear you say. But the thing is that Away2Xplore Visas and work in the U.S. to employ. That's what we pay for. Son feels that we are not lying on the neck, because when he and his skin could get the worst jobs ...
Spoke with tonight my daughter in America! She and her husband have been 3 years! I give them the experience and better than Ai desire is bad! They'll come back, but I wonder? Strength Dellie "goodbye" says. This is very bad!!
Dellie, I wonder why facing the agency. I got an appointment within 2 days. And brother, film fighter are not be late! You should be on the head there, and then sit and wait like any other place. Enjoy the extra time with him. You have to have if you want to support ORT, still hear just OMMI twist!
you just need to make sure that there is not some scam ... I know some people pay big money for others to do, etc. ... and nothing came of it ... and money, he went away.
Hi Dellie, a nig my daughter and her boyfriend have been to England for a year. They have geldjies their (good money) gespaat and come back and get married here. The two were doing their well-organized and powerful way to success today. It is an experience that I believe can not be replaced.
Good luck! I am already very large and has studied and worked before I came to Sweden, but I grow here. It will be a good experience for him. And bad goodbye, but also goes beyond it.
It would break my heart as one of my two shall pass! I'll
just pack up and go! Jaco wants when he graduated from AUS, as he puts it, what future for him or anyone else a young man, how safe'll still be here in 4 years?

Hello Dellie was out of action for a few days - to say that I suddenly had a lot of time hehehe. Visas was the story of my life for ten years - there's no way you can influence the process and the U.S. is now worse than the KGB to issue visas. Strength Karl
Good day a former student who is ngal geinterseerd a package Away2Explore U.S., but was a bit skeptical about the whole thing ... maybe someone can tell me from their own experience whether it is worth doing it?

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