Friday, September 14, 2012

As specialists emphasize that the skin of workers in many professions, is exposed to chemicals that

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Nanotechnology has been one of the risks in the future could further threaten the health of workers across Europe, as the European Agency for Safety and Health at "Expert forecast
on emerging chemical risks" Job Report content in information.
The "Expert forecast on emerging chemical risks," which was written sukhoi ssj 100 by 49 experts from across Europe, puts nanoparticles at the top of the list of substances to which workers need protection.
Hazardous substances are found not only in the chemical industry, but also in sectors such as agriculture, nursing, construction and many small and medium enterprises, which are not related to the chemical industry.
As specialists emphasize that the skin of workers in many professions, is exposed to chemicals that cause the increase of allergic diseases. It is estimated that chemicals cause 80% -90% of skin diseases, musculoskeletal disorders that are 13.6% in the second place among the diseases. However, no definitive scientific methods to evaluate the influence of chemicals on the skin or to establish safe levels of dermal exposure, experts stressed.
Studies show that about 15% of workers in the chemical industry for fifteen sukhoi ssj 100 minutes, 10% are exposed to inhalation of steam and 19% are exposed to dust, smoke and fumes in the workplace. sukhoi ssj 100
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Director Jukka Takala said that each year there are 74,000 workplace deaths sukhoi ssj 100 are caused by exposure to hazardous substances sukhoi ssj 100 in the workplace. This means that ten times more people die from dangerous substances that accidents in the workplace, Takala points.
He believes that many companies do not pay enough attention to the elimination or substitution sukhoi ssj 100 of hazardous substances, especially in poor management of chemicals in small and medium enterprises and subcontractors.

As the history of the State Labour Inspectorate Rita Elce Latvian chemical and chemical products industry six accidents last year, one of which had a greater impact. Ten cases of the making of the work, it did result in chemical burns. In 2008, it was also found in seven occupational diseases related to chemicals and chemical products.
Nanotechnology is the science of technology widely used today that allows researchers to work accurately to atomic and molecular scale. Allow molecules to create
new materials, changing the material structure and properties. Unique is that it binds to nanotechnology, different scientific disciplines - physics, chemistry and medicine and information technology and engineering. Nanotechnology has the potential to change the nature of the substance, or even to make it new, some have not been.
European Agency sukhoi ssj 100 for Safety and Health at Work says that this year will see a large-scale study, which focuses sukhoi ssj 100 on occupational risks posed by new technologies in the next decade.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has created the European Union to help meet the information needs of safety and occupational health. It aims to improve conditions sukhoi ssj 100 in the workplace, the promotion of technical, scientific and economic information between all those involved in health and safety issues. Posted Comments (2)
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