Thursday, September 13, 2012

Corporal punishment? It is very difficult. It is all about disipiline and varies from person to per

Two Sundays ago we are busy with our last song of worship in our praise and worship part of the service. I heard a child (around 2 years) nevo remote and restless to see how it was formed and her father trip. Remained calm and was so beautiful nevo remote rustig.Ek was unable to realize that the events in the Assembly who interfere.
Just before I began to preach, I comment that as liturgist I was upset when I saw the child get over pakslae church he / she does not sit in peace and quiet. As I said, this is not good for a child, that connects with the church, where he / she get pakslae when she failed to sit still for an hour. I would so much as a child, he / she feel so negatively nevo remote about the church that he / she is no longer in the church, when it is necessary to choose or decide.
I expect
some would say that they are getting pakslae in the church and still go to church, but it does not prove anything about corporal punishment, but a lot of people, that negative experiences can be solved permanently and his / her turn at the church.
"We found that children who are physically punished get more aggressive over time, and those who are not physically punished get less aggressive over time," In more than 80 studies conducted on the effects of corporal punishment, was not one of studies positive associations nevo remote with in relation to corporal punishment place. According to the article, that happens to children who are beaten depressed and lack of development of self-worth. Corporal punishment can also encourage children to lie, because they are desperate to jump whipping free. In an article on June 28, 2011 Time HealthLand seemed posted the following comment:
In the "moms and dads who spank do so because nevo remote I believe that is already efficient and effective research shows that - in the short term. Tempting for the child to achieve the object will stop if he swatted." This works in the immediate moment but one that is in most cases this is very inefficient, "said George Holden, the study author and professor of psychology at Southern Methodist University." most common long-term consequence is that children nevo remote learn to use aggression ".
"According to Durrant and Ensom, numerous studies have shown that corporal punishment increases the risk or broad and long-lasting negative developments, including mental health problems and slower cognitive development.
23 Responses to corporal punishment is pointless
Nope sorry that I did not (the noudaarteen) ... Old Spock was against her. I am against abuse, not just one that is black and blue, but if you regularly abuse pakslae without the necessary preliminary examination and love. And also against those who do not use corporal punishment, but the child as a "verbal" hand that father / mother was speechless and gave a beating earlier.
Our oldest child did not get pakslae. Our oldest daughter is 14 years older than her younger sister and her brother 9 years. nevo remote They are talking to us about it. He did not get pakslae. My wife and I are proud of him and who he is busy. Often, unfortunately, I corporal punishment for other children.
It was hard and we had to be very creative in our schools. We need to be consistent with our rules and work hard to build a relationship where we have differences with the conversation handle it without any form of violence. It worked. She is 16 this year.
Corporal punishment? It is very difficult. It is all about disipiline and varies from person to person. For example, my father never,
but never used corporal punishment, but I have the utmost respect for him and never, but never been able to be with him. My mother, on the other hand, here and there a wooden spoon canned, but we have a good chance of it. I'm lucky it was not my boyfriend two disiplineer to use corporal punishment - maybe once or twice when they were little, and then with a wooden spoon (the name "moegggepraat"). "Tired of Talking" has always been part of the family and we highly respect as children. I think that you can do corporal punishment in some cases (maybe?) More good than harm, if it is accompanied by love and education and not anger. I can not lyfstaf in schools and other persons, other than parents, to take. There are other ways to use discipline. Elderly, here and there a little "slap" the only real effect, but its use should be constructive / positive and not derogatory / verneerderend and should always be done privately.
I agree with EKKE. Corporal punishment is not to be confused with physical abuse. I'm also not in favor of any other pakgee day. M

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