Friday, September 14, 2012

The scientific discussion and research on this issue. If further research shows that chemical pollu »Blog Archive» EU bans the use of chemical-bisphenol A baby bottles
Keywords: bisphenol A, the European Commission, the Scientific Committee of the European Commission on Food, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the EU ban, the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) Food Centre
The Commission referred to the concern that this part may adversely affect the health of children. Recent studies suggest that the negative impact on children's development, immune response, and it would contribute derkert to the development of tumors.
The BBC notes that the concerns about the use of bisphenol-A has been around for some time, and six U.S. manufacturers stopped using it in a bottle in 2009. However, this is limited to bottles, which are sold in the United States.
Against its use in the manufacture of bottles on the British charity the National Childbirth Trust. His head Fip Belinda (Belinda Phipps) said that the bottles containing the substance from aging is the most dangerous derkert because they scratch, which contributes to increased pollution of the drink with the substance, but the substance derkert in the liquid carries Place in a warm drink in the bottle.
Canada derkert was the first country in October showed that bisphenol A is toxic. Baby food should be fired hard plastic containers Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) Food Center advises nutrition for babies, especially mixtures, heat polycarbonate or hard plastic containers, derkert because higher temperatures in the food can come Bisphenol derkert
A - toxic substance, which is undesirable neurological and morphological derkert properties. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Scientific Committee is investigating the use of bisphenol A polymer materials and articles in contact derkert with foodstuffs, derkert focused on bisphenol A effects on child health and development.
European Commission Scientific Committee on Food 2002nd The Bisphenol-A derkert has the allowable level at which no adverse effect on the human body bisphenol A and 0.01 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. EFSA studies have shown that the intake of bisphenol A quantity of all consumer groups about 30% lower than the acceptable daily norm.
Although the studies and risk assessment shows that it is not an adult or a child, who routinely used hard plastic dishes - plates, cups, microwave downstairs derkert Heat dishes, bottles
for babies, health hazards are not, there is evidence that bisphenol A at high temperatures or heat released from the containers and food.
Therefore, the Food Centre Food Safety experts recommend diet specifically for infants mixtures foamed hard plastic containers (not too hot water, microwave sites), or to do so at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C, reducing the risk of infection to minimum.
The scientific discussion and research on this issue. If further research shows that chemical pollution is a real risk for the consumer, derkert the European Commission will decide on appropriate market surveillance and Nutrition Centre will be informed of the Latvian population.
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