Saturday, September 15, 2012

Twiggs together with researchers from the University of Rome in less than cubes satellite side leng

Due to this weight less than 10 kg micro satellite, simple design, manufacture and launch of low-cost, most likely change the way human space exploration, and open up new areas for development for astrobiology and other emerging fields. Select laptops and cell phones, many people want them as small as possible. The same logic applies to the design and manufacture of satellite. In comparison with a small satellite, satellite requires not only a large lot of time and resources for implementation of design and construction, and its orbit is also a considerable expense. If you complete certain tasks at a lower cost small satellites, so why not?
In view of this, through state-of-the-art micro-mechatronic systems technology, scientists are developing weight and costs far less than its predecessors mini satellite. It may be as small as a palm sized satellite, or even directly into your pocket. However, a small but perfectly formed, some conventional satellite and all major components: battery, orbit control and positioning systems, radio systems and analytical tools. The only difference fitness pall is that all components of pico satellite is a smaller size, higher degree of integration, the structure is simpler than conventional satellites, is also much more affordable price. Since the NASA Ames Research Center astrobiologist Orlando Santos said, "are wonderful fitness pall in being here."
But the real beginning of ultra-satellite research started at the beginning of this century, a project called "cubes" international scientific research project, it makes cubes pico satellite Common Criteria gradually throughout the world. Cubes is a cube satellite, the satellite from the appearance point of view, side length 10 cm cube, the output power is equivalent to the phone, weighs fitness pall less than 1 kg. U.S. scientists involved in the mission fitness pall to develop satellite cubes Twiggs said. "I had a box experiment, solar panels on the above, see the power supply voltage to achieve what I need at the end as a large area of ​​solar cells can get I finally
decision to use 10 cm size.", Scientists from the California Institute of Technology, Jody.普伊格萨瑞 improve the system through a device called a P-POD, with three satellite Cubes Cubes experimental platform. What while traditional TV platform, which is equipped with a navigation system fitness pall and wireless
communication systems, satellite fitness pall systems equivalent brain as a whole, the other two satellites are mainly carried out an experimental facility.
With the development of microfluidic technology and miniaturization of optical detection technology, pico satellite applications Astrobiology is relatively fitness
pall mature. Where can you be filled with plenty of cosmic radiation and weightlessness organisms, as well as close contact with life forms compounds studied. Like "if exposed to direct what happens in the universe?" Or microorganisms in the space environment will contaminate scientific equipment? "The fitness pall problem was to get a straight fitness pall answer. Meanwhile, NASA launched two experiments for astrobiology pico almost orbit height from the surface is 450 km and 550 km, respectively. Named" Genes "satellite was launched in December 2006, aims to study the impact of space environment for bacteria,
called "PharmaSat" satellite was launched in May 2009, the aim is to study the antimicrobial substances in conditions of weightlessness fermentation, which will be launched soon "O / biscuits" satellite launch later this year, running at 650 km high orbit orbit, cosmic radiation, and weightlessness microorganisms and biological compounds studies.
Twiggs together with researchers from the University of Rome in less than cubes satellite side length of 5 cm cube satellite. Because of its capacity is only conventional satellite cubes eighth, scientists hope that the price will be much cheaper. fitness pall If you plan to exterminate the spring of 2011, when 8 ultra satellite equipped with Russian carrier rocket into space, the New Partnership for satellites fitness pall cubes. Copyright: fitness pall French fitness pall luxury goods purchasing GPS navigator - Beidou navigation systems - fast navigation of this article link: ef% bb% bf% e5% b0% 8f% e5% 8d% ab% e6% 98% 9f% e5% 86% 85% 97% e8% 8f% e5% a4% a7% e4% b9% is% 9d% e5% a4% e8% b6% 85% e5% is% ae% e5% 9e% 8b% e4% ba% ba% e9% 80% a0% e5% 8d% ab% e6% 98% 9F% e6% b8% 90% e6% 88% 90% e7% a0% 94% e7% a9% b6% e7% 83% ad% e7% 82% b9.html ☑ Related Articles Archives August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 business QQ exchange

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