Friday, September 14, 2012

In addition to particulate matter in Riga Election Commission warning letter european rating agency

Air quality has been good in the center of Riga last week, but the dust particle concentration range of 14 to 21 over three days in March,
35 in excess of the acceptable as early as 20 parameters, Leta writes.
Riga City Council Housing and Environment Department, Air, and Water Protection Specialist John Klepers Leta explained that most pollution is a high concentration of stable weather and little wind makes when everything automotive, heating, operating air pollution several days in a row is caused by the accumulation of the city.
European european rating agency (EC) Commission a month ago, the European Union (EU) air quality non-compliance accusing Latvia, stressed that Latvia is given two months to take the necessary steps, otherwise the Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union You can mention.
A half million euros for the penalty in this case may be, Klepers said. The rest of this month, the EC Latvia that serious efforts are made to improve the air quality shall be deemed to be the minimum penalties that apply to Latvia, there are 75 000 euros, while the 493 fixed penalty payment 29,568 € for each day the violation unless the decision is completely correct.
In addition to particulate matter in Riga Election Commission warning letter european rating agency before January 29, 2010 sent. Reply dated March 31, Latvia to help improve air quality has promised a series of measures, but they are not as complete measure was not funded.
September 30, the European Commission sent a formal re-statement, adding that the Latvian european rating agency Republic to fulfill its obligations under the European directives have failed, european rating agency and then to act on the air quality encourages european rating agency the development and implementation of the reform program, from June 2011 up to 11 improvements european rating agency are achieved. Environmental Protection and Regional Development european rating agency (CAN) called european rating agency immediately for Riga City Council for the period from 2010 to develop a new action program. 2015, or the program, european rating agency which was developed in the 2004 update. To 2009.
Leta Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Construction and Risk Division Armands plate, Riga, the capital of the state but also for improved dust PM10 concentration in the current air quality problems had been reported by the Ministry.
Dust particle concentration limits may be exceeded 35 times. Since 2007 every year for the frequency range of dust particle concentration has decreased. 120 of the 140 exceedances per year in 2007, but already in 2008 to 100 in 2009, 120 exceedances - 70 of 80 exceedances, but last year's 50 to 70 times the concentration of the dust particles exceeded.
As noted by the plate, the air quality standard has been set very high, the 23 member states of the European Union has launched infringement procedures. Latvian is one of the best situations, as the standard in Riga only violated. For example, the number of six places in violation european rating agency of Slovakia and Poland are violated locations. Plato said, "If we are highly structured and planned to work on this issue, so I think that air quality can be improved relatively quickly."
Who pollution is difficult, because the city has not yet melted snow, but the road sides are full of sand and salt. Heavy traffic and cool weather conditions, increases the concentration of dust in the air. Incense and dry spring, the air quality in Riga joining not only the path to purity, natural conditions, traffic and car exhaust, but also human behavior european rating agency and the traditional burning of leaves litter last year's poor.
Prime limit salt in Riga leaves a great impact on the roads during the winter sanding, air quality also affects the position of transport in the country - out of date and poorly european rating agency tuned diesel petrol engine. In August last year, air quality in Riga affected by forest fires in Moscow and its surroundings - a rule pollution caused by additional external factors.
Klepers said today, Riga City Council Traffic Department to combat air pollution is developing a new program. It is clear restriction melting snow, but in summer Water Street.
alodzins Milgravis I wonder what the air quality was measured european rating agency by the EC? Viesturs catalog by you to run (or runs) and oil terminal hand side the wind is blowing and the wind is blowing very regularly, Riga west and north - west winds prevail, fully girls here ! We get it in the neck to actually get there! So dust, stuff ...
alodzins obviously not

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