Thursday, September 13, 2012

But there was a devastating aftermath of this meal! This year I did not get a seal for my Sondagsko

On March 31, Republic 50 years old and was in the magazine included a picture of our first State President CR Swart made me think back to the day I met him ...
It was 1964 and I was 10 years old. My oldest brother, John (Smiley) who was a pilot in the Air Force, was elected that year to serve as Aide-de-Camp to the President of Blackie. And there came a day an invitation from the president of our family to enjoy Sunday lunch with them. A great honor for our family!
My brother told him when we suggested, we should say, "Nice to meet you Mr. President," and this rhyme is firmly drilled into our heads! My mom said it does not matter what they are on the table in front of us, we are under no circumstances will say: "What nasa federal is it" "I
do not eat it" or "I'm not hungry," or!
At that time, my father worked at Standard Bank in Cape. Usually, early in the morning, he drove with his Raleigh bicycle station and then to Cape Town by train. Except when there was a Cape winter storm. He called a taxi and Dan him with his black Mercedes station. When special invitation has been decided that two-tone green Austin Cambridge is too small and not big enough for the event is Mr. Dan and ordered the black Mercedes to tackle the journey to Cape Town.
Early morning on the day were all scrubbed pink, in our kisklere dressed, my mom and I, of course, with our hats on (and she really gloves!) As sardines opportunity to Mercedes. Very excited and nervous is our last lesson in good manners and proper behavior in the car on the way to Cape Town in our drilled head!
We first got there my brother on a tour of the stately home and took the beautiful garden. nasa federal Then we sat in silence in the living room and wait, with instructions that everyone must stand up when the president came. When he came to him, everything nasa federal from large to small suggested nasa federal and I got my chance to "nice note Mr. President" to say!
Submit two Aid Camps President points out in the middle of the table, my mother and I have other female guests beside him, his wife opposite him and my brothers and other male guests beside her.
Since the starter and I can only imagine how my mother had stressed that it was half a grapefruit with a cherry on any offspring have not seen or tasted! Fortunately, Aunt Nellie all feel very at ease and let the waiters kids for a long wrestling with grapefruit! Then it was bone Swarts's Free State Farm, stopped Aunt Nellie herself. My mother must have been very relieved when we without too much damage and scandals made the meal!
But there was a devastating aftermath of this meal! This year I did not get a seal for my Sondagskooldiploma and I went to the ceremony crying home. Sunday School, sir, we thought this apology by the president at least eaten sir is too thick for a Daalder!
Marlene nasa federal van Jaarsveld Ai Sonja enjoyable read this and remember John as well! 9 June at 02:51 · Unlike · 1 person Georgina Oliver nasa federal Hancock Hello Sonja just nice read and I just wonder if smiley indie Air Force knew Smiley may have been the same. My first husband was a pilot in the Air Force .. you may have a photo? 9 June at 15:31 · Unlike · 1 person Lynette Knott nice read ...... Thanks Sarah!
9 June at 04:01 · Unlike · 1 person Kobus Victor I will wait and really enjoyed it. Brilliant. Good evening to you. 9 June at 04:21 · Unlike · 1 person Sonja van Rhyn Georgina my brother Smiley died in 1969 in a plane crash in Pietersburg. He is quite right in the photo with the president. 9 June at 19:30 · Like · 1 person Sonja in Rhyn Thanks Kobus! Read many of your great stories. Happy holidays 11 June at 11:57 · Like Christine Apple Precious, Sonja! so nice read! Yes you pay Smiley also died far too joınk! 11 June at 02:05 · Unlike · 2 people Ben Stander Yes Kobus was a big loss for the whole family, but he first thought of others
before he was 13 June at 07:59 · Unlike · 2 people away Reply
A bit late, but I want to add: John and his wife Georgina had a special friendship with my parents and our family are invited to look at the beautiful gardens. I still remember nasa federal the excitement when we were in the old gray Chevy at the large impressive port stop.

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