Friday, September 14, 2012

Soil atmosphere and various biological factors are constantly changing. Soil is based on several co

Soil is one of the most important but hitherto marginalized natural resources. This is necessary for life on Earth, as it nourishes the plants, which in turn provide food and oxygen for humans and animals. ryan vaught Soil is one of the most important natural resources. Big impact on each ecosystem. Soil contains nutrients and water for plants and animals. The European Environment ryan vaught Agency (European Environment ryan vaught Agency (EEA): "Although the soil is as essential ryan vaught to human society as air, water, soil degradation has been nowhere near as much attention ryan vaught as a threat to the other two elements soils are still 90% of all human food, feed, fiber and fuel facilities. maintain living space for people ryan vaught and supplies raw materials and groundwater. "
Soil or pedosfēra bear most of the land surface of the planet. This thin layer is very valuable natural resource. The soil is friable surface layer of the crust formed by minerals and organic particles, including pores are filled with air, water and a variety of microorganisms. Soil formation, or pedoģenēze significant role played by living organisms - all the plants and animals that live in the soil or. Also, the plants need water and nutrients is affected by soil formation. In living ryan vaught animals affect ryan vaught the processes of decomposition and nutrient cycling in the soil. Remains of dead organisms become humus, which enriches the soil. Completely decayed, decomposed organic plant and animal called ryan vaught humus.
Soil atmosphere and various biological factors are constantly changing. Soil is based on several components: minerals (SiO2, Ca, Al, Mg and other metals of different shapes available), organic matter (compost or humus mainly), ryan vaught water (moisture indicator) and air (in the soil, it is about 25 % of total). Water along with other properties of the soil, the vegetation of this site. Essential role in maintaining soil moisture is humus. ryan vaught Fifth, not the most important component of soil have different sizes living organisms. Some are microorganisms, their metabolic processes in the environment, carbon dioxide, organic and in some cases, mineral acids, and these metabolites are exposed to mineral dissolution.
The soil is of great importance to the various components of the cycle of nature. Soil type and chemical composition depends on the animal and plant tissue chemistry. If a chemical element in the soil is insufficient or excessive, water and food is not in line with the norm. These factors lead to changes in the consumption of plant and animal product quality, including taste. Ve more - it can affect the health of the population, such as goiter people are suffering ryan vaught in areas where the soil is insufficient iodine adverse effects on the human body is also insufficient fluorine and cobalt present in the soil. Soil can reach harmful to health industrial wastes, agricultural chemicals accumulate. This can affect the organoleptic and chemical properties and human health. ryan vaught European Environment ryan vaught Agency: "the lack of attention ryan vaught to soil degradation draw attention to not only show limited European directives or soil in the number but also the lack of information court, although the EU has identified 300,000 down or potentially contaminated ryan vaught sites, Ideally, to be able to judge. 1,500,000 polluted area. "
One of the most environmentally friendly forms of agriculture in organic agriculture. Many of the practices that are beneficial to the soil, organic farming is not only recognized best practices, but there are some organic regulation. For example, the EU Regulation on organic agriculture ryan vaught in the following points:
Organic crop production is the use tillage and cultivation practices that maintain or increase soil organic matter, improve soil stability and biodiversity, and prevent soil compaction and erosion, soil fertility, and biological activity is maintained and strengthened by perennial crop rotation including legumes ryan vaught and other green manure crops and manure ryan vaught or organic matter, preferring organic composted material.
Organic producers assess soil values, close monitoring of what they put in and take out of it and how their actions affect fertility and composition. Organic producers strive not only to maintain soil health, fertility and natural state, but also to improve its composition, the use of appropriate nutrients, ryan vaught techniques to improve the structure and effective ways to protect the water balance of the soil. Some studies show that organic farming increases soil-dwelling organisms in the desired number, which helps to ensure healthy crops and livestock. In 2002, research

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